Billy Corgan on Kurt Cobain

I read a spin article where Corgan said that Cobain and he were fierce competitors. He stated that they were the top scribes of the time while everyone else was a distant third.

Here’s the thing though, I never put Corgan in the same “genre” so to speak as Kurt Cobain. If there was a group that rivaled Nirvana, I’d have to say that this would be Pearl Jam. They were the “other” grunge group.

The Smashing Pumpkins, who I happen to love by the way, where in a different sphere. Does that make sense? I didn’t view them as grungy, they were more like pure alternative. Many of their songs were soft, “sweet” sounding songs. Quite different than the grunge rock of Nirvana or Pearl Jam.

So, not to take anything away from Corgan, I am a fan and still listen to their music. However, Smashing Pumpkins and Nirvana were not competitors, that’s like saying Mike Tyson vs Chuck Norris. Both legends in their own rights, but they were in different sports. I never saw them as the same.

Here is a link to the Spin article, what do you think about Corgan’s statements?


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