Pay attention to your woman

There is not much that I can remember about our specific interactions. It was so long ago, and she has all but faded into the recesses of my memory. I remember the essence of her, and I still feel a tender warmth when I think about her. But that’s pretty much all that remains. Though I mostly did, this post is to remind you guys, pay attention to your woman.

At times I’ll have a random memory of her and our time together. This time I remember when she got a tan for me!

She went to Vegas with a few friends. While she was gone, she spent a lot of time at the pool, apparently sunning herself. When she came back from the trip, I noticed. Let’s just say that there are always tan lines. Plus, I was completely in love with her, and I could see the difference.

But I made a mistake.

I didn’t say anything about it, I didn’t really know I was supposed to. I just kind of figured people go in the sun, and they get tanned. I didn’t process that she was doing this specifically for me. Why would I? I don’t recall ever expressing a fondness for tans. She looked good to me, no matter what. I was head over heels in love with her. Though the tan did look really good on her, it just didn’t click for me that it was done intentionally.

At one point a mutual friend who was on the trip asked me, “Angel, did you compliment her tan? She really wanted to impress you with it.” I replied, “Yes, she looks really good!” Then it hit me, I hadn’t told her how good the tan looked. I expressed my love, and that I missed her, but I didn’t say anything about that! Crap!

That night, I made sure to comment on the tan. Something along the lines of “Hey, I know I haven’t said anything about it, but you look really good with the tan. You look extremely beautiful, and very sexy!” She smiled and began to glow.

The moral of this story, don’t take anything for granted. It doesn’t do anyone any good if you think “man, she is beautiful.” They need to hear it from you. This is something that even these days I check myself on! Need to say this to my beautiful wife more often, make sure that she knows I see and appreciate her!

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