Preferring a woman with a vagina is transphobic?

So I saw this video shared on some right wing site about whether or not preferring a woman with a vagina is transphobic? I didn’t even bother reading the article because I know that this would be some biased, anti-lgbt bull crap. I’m not interested in some right wing anti-lgbt views, it’s old and we know the story there. However, I did watch the video as I wanted to listen for myself and then form my own opinion.

Riley used words that I’ve never even heard in my life. She’s jumping from one point to the other and moving so fast at making all her points that my head was spinning while trying to grasp what she was saying.

One point that she made was that if you prefer a woman with a vagina, you are probably what is called cissexist. She stated that it’s probably due to being raised in a cissexist society. That’s one of those words I never heard before. I do not agree with this statement though.

If we believe (and I do) that people are born gay, or in the wrong gender, two spirit, etc, then we must also believe that we are born liking women with vaginas. It’s some innate attraction and desire that can’t be explained. The same way you can’t explain how a man is attracted to another man, despite living in a cissexist society, I can’t explain being attracted to a woman with a vagina. It just is.

I care for you, I respect you, I’ll stand up and fight for you, but I’m attracted to who I’m attracted to. I can’t change that any more than you can. I hope you can respect that in the same way I respect you.

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