Abilities Expo

Attendance at the Abilities Expo was highly encouraged by my company. They wanted us there at least one of the three days. I don’t usually attend any expos or things of that nature, it’s just not my scene and makes me very anxious. I’ve always wanted to go to comicon, but anxiety. However, this time I didn’t have much choice. So I went with some of my colleagues on the very last day, Sunday.

I work with the disability community. The folks I work with have spinal cord injuries and or disabilities. But the abilities expo doesn’t cater to any one group within the disability community. They cater to everyone.

There were a lot of great tools and accessibility products there to see. Everything from shower chairs, beach chairs to accessible vehicles.

I’m happy to that things are improving in terms of accessibility. Companies are making a greater effort to make the built environment not only accessible for able bodied people, but for those with a wide range of disabilities. There is still much more work to be done, but I’m happy to see the improvements.

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