Attacking Girl Gamers

The meme above isn’t entirely accurate, it’s not all males, but I don’t quite understand why some guys become so toxic and aggressive once they hear a gamer girl speak in the voice chat. I’ve seen it time and time again, the minute a gamer girl says something, some of the boys start to talk crap to her. They’ll throw all kinds of insults, from accusing her of hacking to being trash. It seems like they feel a strong uncontrollable urge to be rude to women when they are gaming online.

It’s like everyone is joking around, dissing each other, laughing or whatever, but the moment a woman speaks, some lose their minds and become really hostile towards them. 

I’d sort of understand if they were getting hit on, many of these guys are young, so it stands to reason they might dork out and not know how to talk to a girl. I’d equate it to pulling a girl’s hair in grade school if you like her. If you don’t know how to engage, you act up.

However, I find it baffling that somehow they might think that cursing at them, attacking them, or otherwise belittling their gaming ability somehow gains them favor? Oh, and don’t get me started when the woman is good at the game and actually beating them. They really lose it then.

Sure, some of you may think I’m simping here, but to what end? I’m a married man, I’m old as heck, and I ain’t going nowhere near no gamer girls. I’m not looking to impress or get down with anyone.

Honestly, I gain nothing by simping. I’m not tripping about something simple. This is not a simple thing, it’s pretty nasty and says a lot about a guy. What kind of man feels the need to attack a woman, online or in person? I just don’t understand why boys are moved to cursing and insulting someone online once they realize she’s a female?

Can anyone who’s been in the scene longer than me offer some insight on this? It just makes no sense to me. What’s the objective?

1 Comment

  1. Good article. As an older female who has been gaming for over a decade, this is normal. I expect it and try to make sure I have some witty or unexpected come-backs. After all, if I make fun of myself, then what is there left to make fun of? And if I roast them harder then they roast me, what can they really say? It’s taken many years to be able to tell when someone is serious or not when they tell me things like the age old “get back in the kitchen” phrase or things like that. Usually, I roll with the punches. I do think you are right about some younger people not knowing how to handle speaking with females in a place that is perceived to be male dominated and as a result they react with toxicity. I am usually forgiving in such circumstances and make sure not to “bite back” too hard. Other guys do it out of a sense of equality. Those are the guys who are equal opportunity shit talkers, male, female or whatever, they will shit talk you just the same. I respect that. That’s half the game for some and is a great outlet. I’m an equal opportunity shit talker myself. Sometimes it hurts the pride of those who get dominated in game by females. Personally, I think that is the most toxic thing of all. That isn’t necessarily entirely on that player though. I believe that is a result of certain expectations being placed on young men. Nobody is going to rip on a male kid who gets dominated by a female harder than his male buddies. I have observed that behavior all too often. It’s one thing to make a cutting joke or two, but some people don’t know when enough is enough. Funnily enough, those who rip too hard on their buddies about it often are afraid of being in the same position there buddy is in.

    I think the objective depends on the person and circumstance. It can be hard to tell what that is sometimes, but overall, I feel it’s best to not take anything to heart.

    This is a good article. Thank you for writing it. I’m curious about what others think.

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