Recently had the pleasure of attending a Bollywood show entitled “Bollywood Axion presents BAX to the Village in New York City 2012.”
The show was coordinated by Pooja Narang, founder of Bollywood Axion, a dance school that brings the amazing performances that you see in Bollywood movies a little closer to home. Pooja is not only the founder, but a well known and respected choreographer. The show featured various dance numbers that ranged from traditional Bhangra to modern day fusion and of course some awesome Bollywood dance sets.
Friends of, as well as the wife (and NYCTalking fashion columnist Chris N) of this writer were participants in the show. It was an amazing experience to see my wife and friends on stage performing these awesome dances. Yes, I’m married to a Bollywood dancer.
Bollywood Axion showed no preference as the dancers were white, black, asian, hispanic and everything in between. Skill levels varied from expert to newer performers. It was really awesome to see everyone, not only the elite have a chance to perform for family and friends. Some organizations only present their top level performers, these folks gave everyone that was willing to work hard and practice a chance to shine. That’s what it’s all about at the end of the day isn’t it? Kudos to them for that.
I enjoyed my front row seats at the show very much. My neighbors were very lively and energetic, they cheered on “Anushka” whenever their friend came on stage, yes Indians party hard! Having growing up with West Indians across the street, I know. It was an amazing show and I look forward to seeing the next one.
If you’d like more information about where to take their dance classes and have the opportunity to participate at a future show contact Ricki Bagwah at You can also reach Bollywood Axion at 1-646-373-2555 or by emailing Check out their website at
Just a life long New Yorker sharing the journey through my lens. Please take note of a post’s date. The views I express here are subject to change and evolving as I grow and learn.
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