Sandman Review

08/09/2022, 12:12 am Angel Rodriguez 0

This show was pretty good. I’ve heard of the Sandman Universe in the past and I’ve come across some of the comics, but I wasn’t […]

Injustice Movie

06/19/2022, 1:58 am Angel Rodriguez 0

I recently watched Injustice on HBO Max and I thought that film was pretty damn good. I’ve never really played the video game, but the […]


06/05/2022, 12:06 pm Angel Rodriguez 0

So I just started reading Keanu Reeves comic, berserker. I’m enjoying it so far.  I’ve always been a huge fan of immortals and if you’ve […]

Batman Ego

03/07/2022, 7:26 am Angel Rodriguez 0

Batman Ego was one of the comics that was recommended reading when watching The Batman. As I understand it, this is one of the comics […]

X-Men movie review

03/06/2022, 1:18 am Angel Rodriguez 0

I recently rewatched the original X-Men movie from 2000 and I still enjoyed it very much. I still remember when they first cast Hugh Jackman […]

The Batman

03/02/2022, 7:30 am Angel Rodriguez 0

My son loves Batman, I think his Uncle Al had that influence over him. When it comes to DC comics I always favored Superman over […]

The Punisher Year One

02/01/2022, 7:47 am Angel Rodriguez 0

This story takes us through another version of The Punisher’s origin story. All the iterations I have seen share a similar thread, but have differences […]