Confessions of a real dad: Counting your blessings!

As I sit on this train writing this piece, my son sits next to me, he’s playing one of his “rat on a scooter games”, he’s wearing his Hollister swag gear, and a hoodie as we warm up from the blistering cold outside this morning. I smile to myself as I look at him, you know, that’s my boy!

We are on the subway very early this Sunday morning. It’s about 730 right now, we are on our way to Manhattan as my little man is trying out for a specialized art high school and we have to arrive by 8am.

You know, last weekend, several hours later that it is now, on another Sunday, we were at the Long Island Jewish hospital after a very close call with a vehicle accident. My little guy was struck by a vehicle and sent flying to the ground. My son, and our family were very lucky all things considered. You can read all about that on this Confessions of a real dad (CORD) post here. The fact that we are blessed to have to wake up at 6am on a Sunday is not lost on me. Sure it is freezing, sure we’d both rather be sleeping, but make no mistake, the blessings are not lost on me.

My son, though he doesn’t seem to fully appreciate the magnitude of our luck, seems to somewhat understand the fact that things could have been very different after the accident. Thankfully he is still his fun self, I’m glad he’s not overly traumatized by the experience. Though I will say that he is now even more careful crossing the street.

So have you taken a moment to count your blessings today?

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