Descript studio sound

One of the tools that I like to use when editing work and personal videos is Descript. It’s pretty dope for a variety of reasons. For one, if you require closed captions, it works great at creating a transcript of your video. This helps make editing slightly more efficient.

It doesn’t always pick up words perfectly, but it does as good a job as any of the other services I’ve used for this purpose. At the end of the day, if you want a perfect transcript, you will need a qualified human to double check the work. Depending on how long the video is, that can be quite a time consuming and exhausting process.

Besides that, it does a fairly decent job at allowing you to make edits and tweaks to your videos. For the most part, in my workflow, it has nearly replaced Final Cut Pro and Premiere as my video editor. I’d even say that it has mostly replaced audacity and audition as well for sound edits.

Recently Descript has introduced a new feature called Studio sound. As the other tools, this isn’t “perfect,” but it does a really great job at making our voices clearer. The studio sound tool does a really phenomenal job at removing annoying background noise. So much so that if you are using music or sound effects, you need to add that after cleaning up the voice track with Studio sound. If the sounds are on one track, they will disappear as they are treated as noise. Keep that in mind as you record your work.

I think the tool is great, but it seems to change your voice a bit the higher you go on the cleaning level. I’d say I sound like myself, but when I have a bad, nasally cold. I haven’t made up my mind if I like the original versions better or if can live with the edited nasally sound. I guess it depends on how bad the background noise is, but I’ve been using it regularly and I think it might be worth the slightly nasally sound. I know my voice very well, so the change is very apparent to me. However, that may not be the case for my listeners. Also, it should be noted that this feature will only get better and better. So there is that.

Overall, I think descript is a great work tool. Adding studio sound to its arsenal can only raise the bar. Great work, descript team!

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