Dr. Paul Corona: The Corona Protocol Review

I met Dr. Paul during a shoot for my podcast. The things he said during the recording really caught my attention, and I told him that I was going to become a patient as soon as possible. Shortly after our chat, I arranged an appointment.

Dr. Paul is really cool and friendly, and he genuinely wants to help his patients. He is available over email pretty much anytime you reach out to him, and he tries to help you as best he can.

The Corona Protocol is a medical protocol that involves using medication to help you get past your psychological issues. I thought I would be a great candidate for this. However, despite our best efforts and many different combinations, the Corona Protocol did not work for me.

I’d like to be clear: I am not discouraging any of you from trying medication. That is the furthest thing from my mind. To be clear, I am currently taking medication for anxiety and depression. I also want to clarify that I am not saying Dr. Paul is not a good doctor. I am simply stating that the protocol did not work for me.

Here are some details on how each of the different medications affected me. TLDR, they messed me up, and one of them actually made me into the worst version of me that you can imagine. For further details on how the meds affected me, you can listen in on this podcast episode.

I like Dr. Paul and believe he has our best intentions at heart. I even bought one of his books on amazon. I was all in with this man. Unfortunately, aside from the medication I am presently taking, the other meds were actually harmful to me. It is not Dr. Paul’s fault, nor is it anyone’s fault. It’s just a fact of the matter, and apparently, I am extremely sensitive to medication.

Dr. Paul does not take health insurance, but his prices are extremely reasonable and fair. He has had success with other patients, and it appears I am one of the few outliers, unfortunately for me. Based on my overall experience with him, I would recommend giving him a shot. He is pleasant, thorough, and seems to genuinely care for his patients. I just wish it had worked out for me.

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