Jealous tendencies

As I walked my wife to the train station, I saw this guy that I recognize from the gym walking towards us. He was staring at my wife with lust in his eyes. I could see it, and I consciously was aware that this dude is eye freaking my woman, but I didn’t feel anger.

There was a time when I would have been overcome with rage, and quite possibly assaulted this guy over it. I would have definitely said something, I did engage in the past when someone was staring at a woman I was walking with.

As I got older I realized that if I were to fight every person who looks at my woman, I’d be in prison, dead, or constantly fighting. With that realization, it became clear that I can’t control or prevent that. Even if I could, what about the times when my wife is not around me?

Listen fellas, and ladies, believe it or not I’ve had insecure women attack me because I was friends with their girlfriend. Jealousy gets you nowhere, it is a wasted emotion. So long as people have eyes, they will see your partner. Trust that your partner is loyal to you, and that the truth is, that if they wanted someone else, you are powerless to prevent it.

Let go of the jealousy, and your days will improve ever so slightly. And about that guy who I just mentioned, once he saw me, he greeted me and we both kept it moving. I shook his hand a little harder than I normally would. Hah!

What do you guys think about jealousy?

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