So, I was talking with my son about this movie, and he was breaking down all the different theories about why so many people hate it. I’ve also read plenty of articles and fan theories—some say they did it on purpose to explore mental health or whatever. The latest theory I came across was that they made it intentionally bad as a sort of “screw you” to the fans.
I just don’t get that, though. Apparently, this film has lost around $70 million at the box office. What movie studio, director, or actor would willingly throw that kind of money down the drain when the first movie made like a billion dollars? It doesn’t make sense.
My biggest issue with this film is that I can’t stand musicals. So, from the start, that’s an epic fail for me. As soon as I heard it was a musical, I decided I was never going to watch it. All this controversy and commentary just confirms that decision—I’m not interested in watching it, or more accurately, listening to it.
I really don’t know what they were thinking, dragging their artsy nonsense into what could’ve been a great franchise. It frustrates me to no end. I can’t help but wonder if Lady Gaga had a hand in turning it into a musical, or if they brought her on because it was already heading that way. Either way, I’m not into singing dialogue, and I’m beyond disappointed.

Just a life long New Yorker sharing the journey through my lens. Please take note of a post’s date. The views I express here are subject to change and evolving as I grow and learn.
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