Killing Eve final thoughts

The Mrs. and I have been watching Killing Eve for a few weeks now, and tonight we finished the fourth and final season.

Overall, the show was pretty good. How could it not be? It’s got an assassin, a normal woman who slowly spirals into insanity alongside said assassin, MI6, the KGB, and a plot that takes you all over the place.

Eve is working with MI6 to track the assassin and their bosses, but things don’t go quite as planned.

I won’t drop any details or spoilers, but even though the show had a proper ending—unlike so many that get canceled and leave us hanging—it still felt rushed and, at times, a bit cheesy. Both my wife and I were upset by how it ended up finishing. Don’t worry, I won’t spoil it for you.

I’m planning to read the book to see if it offers a better path or ending. It will have to added to the queue as I’m still reading Wrecker by Carl Hiaasen. I usually prefer to read books before watching their movies or series, but sometimes I don’t realize a show or movie is based on a book until much later. By that point, I’m already committed, so I read the book afterward.

Still, despite what I believe is a disappointing ending, Killing Eve is a good series—definitely worth checking out.

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