This movie is just so super sweet. It is the story of a young man who has down syndrome but wants to be a wrestler. He is at a nursing home because they believe he is unable to care for himself. Eventually, he escapes from the nursing home to pursue his mission of becoming a pro wrestler.
During his escape and the journey that follows, he runs into Shia LaBeouf. Shia is a rough dude who is a bit of a loaner and tends to attract trouble. In fact, when he and Zak meet, he is being chased by some guys whom he kind of wronged on a pretty bad level. He’s actually trying to get away from them and the law because of what he did.
Reluctantly, Shia allows Zak to accompany him. As they travel together the two start to form a beautiful friendship and it’s just a very sweet film. I don’t want to drop any spoilers, but it very much reminds me of when I watched Palmer and how that movie was super sweet and touching. Similar story, a really rough guy, and unlikely friendship, and sweetness all around.
If you have Netflix, you really need to sit and watch this film. It’s absolutely amazing and I enjoyed it a lot. Go Peanut Butter Falcon!
Just a life long New Yorker sharing the journey through my lens. Please take note of a post’s date. The views I express here are subject to change and evolving as I grow and learn.
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