Hi, my name is Angel R, I’m with the yelp group. “Ok, what do you
need? You have tickets or something?” Uhm, yes sir, I do. Thanks. I
wanna rock? “Doors open at 730 for seating.” Ok, thanks dude. Awkward.
That was my introduction, after which I exited and stood outside under
the “Rock of ages” awning. I sat on this fire hydrant and a female
employee came out and started smoking. The smoke was blowing into my
clothes and my face. So naturally I got up and moved. She looked at
me, I gave a soft smile to say “no offense, I just don’t want to
breathe your smoke and I don’t want my clothes to reak of cigarettes.”
I think she understood. Lol.
Now the show itself! Wow. How can I describe this thing? Huge! It’s a
huge production. Huge hair, huge music, huge instruments, huge lights,
just huge all around. (that’s what she said).
Now I have to admit, I probably didn’t know about half of the songs
they played, but do you think that matters? Hell no! You can enjoy
this show even if you were born in the 90’s. It’s just that type of
(here is that word again) huge production.
I was a young kid during the 80’s, unfortunately due to my age and
financial situation I was never able to get out to a rock show during
that era. (Play the violin) But who cares? I was able to experience it
in my 30’s during 2011!
This show had sexy women dancers, lean and mean rockers, mullets,
pimpettes, sparkles, angels, and all kinds of glam. It was insane!
At one point this dude that was singing about beavers came up the isle
in his huge kiss style outfit, we locked eyes, he winked at me, came
over and punched me in the arm 3 times. The dude had some good speed
and snap to his punches. Lol. I’ll never wash this shirt again!
The performers are not only singers, but also actors and dancers.
Each one of them has a powerful amazing voice in their own right.
The city planner turned protestor turned out to be the most surprising
one to me. When she spoke she had an annoying nazzley voice, but when
she started to sing you are blow away. The little lady has some
powerful pipes on her!
There was humor in the show, quite a bit of comic relief. A funny
albeit slightly predictable line was “Well all this time we thought
you were gay”. “Vat, I’m nat ze gay… I’m, well I’m just ze German.”
Don’t ask me why, but I knew he was going to say that. Perhaps it’s an
old 80’s cliche I don’t quite recall?
I had the pleasure of sitting next to yelper Danielle during this
show, and much like myself, she had a big smile during most of the
show, I heard her laugh often, and I’m going to bet she enjoyed
herself very much.
Money Mike in the front row didn’t stop banging his head and pumping
his fists pretty much during the whole show. He didn’t get punched,
but he got a guitar pick. Rock on. We watched him rocking out from our
seats, and I’ll bet he also had quite a blast!
It goes without saying that I highly recommend this show. It’s a great
entertaining show for anyone, but if you are a fan of 80’s rock, then
you will particularly enjoy the show.

Just a life long New Yorker sharing the journey through my lens. Please take note of a post’s date. The views I express here are subject to change and evolving as I grow and learn.
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