I attended this place for “Stark Reality” open mic. The space was dark, apparently sound proof, and ok for this purpose. Relatively easy to find and no biggie getting in.
The event was ok. Slightly different than the events I have attended recently, a little more laxed, alot more talking in between, during, and what I noticed was that the performers (for the most part) were more interested in getting up, performing and leaving. I didn’t feel everyone was giving the other performers the respect they deserve. That’s the vibe I got from a few people. And though I have seen that at other places, there was alot more of that at this event.
If any performer is reading this that fits that description, you really should be supportive of your fellow performers and show your support. We sit through your performance, you should extend us the same courtesy. What’s the point performing for a chair? I can do that at home.
During the show I saw a few people that were amazing, future rock stars. I saw a few that I had no interest in whatsoever, however I appreciate their craft, and grant them the respect of listening. There is alot of standup comedy practice happening here, ALOT.
Note to performers, abortion jokes, probably not a good idea my friends. Take the silence and serious faces from everyone in the audience as a hint. Abortion jokes, not funny. Okay.
Unfortunately I didn’t get to read, I went here with fellow yelper Tina C, and she was starving, we waited several hours but I still didn’t get called. My buddy Ryan was there, new guy I met at another event as well, he was also getting hungry. In any case Tina wanted to eat, as did I, so we ducked out before I could read. At least she got to read and I recorded it for her, coming to youtube soon. I didn’t want to be rude and leave during a performance, but we really needed to eat. Sorry comedy guy performing when we bailed. It wasn’t you, it was our stomachs.
The organizer Viviana is a nice lady, and she is totally responsible for this. We appreciate her efforts and perhaps I’ll return here another time to watch and perform. I’ll make sure to eat beforehand, and hopefully the audience will be a little more supportive of the other performers rather than out for self.
Just a life long New Yorker sharing the journey through my lens. Please take note of a post’s date. The views I express here are subject to change and evolving as I grow and learn.
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