The Pump. Some of you may remember this place before the rebranding. The “iron plate”, or the “whole wheat” pizza, and a slew of other “healthy” choices.
Now the Pump has been streamlined, rebranded and to me resembles a healthy version of chipotle. I’ll be honest, when I first saw the new Pump, I resisted. I met and queried one of the owners on what he was doing with my beloved Pump. I had gotten used to the old way.
He explained his view, how the prior model was not working and his new vision. Adam Eskin had the formula. The Pump is packed everyday with people from all the financial area. In addition they have opened up new stores throughout the city.
I eat the Pump often, and though there are some competitors in the area for health food, I’ve always stayed with the Pump as my choice. I enjoy it so much that I actually had it featured in a book for travelers coming to NYC from Hong Kong and Shanghai. I introduced the writer to Adam and had the restaurant photographed and featured.
Try this combo: Brown Rice plate, Bison cubes, Tomato, Peppers and onions, sweet potato, cheddar cheese and sweet red hot sauce. That is my usual meal and I love it!!!!
Just a life long New Yorker sharing the journey through my lens. Please take note of a post’s date. The views I express here are subject to change and evolving as I grow and learn.
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