So I was looking for a very simple answer to a very simple question about how Evernote imports are handled when using Evernote import folders. I could not get any answers from any of these self proclaimed Evernote or Note gurus and Evernote asked for my email instead of just answering the question. Right then.
Anyway, I had one computer which had not synched up with the servers yet, as such Evernote had not been disabled on it. So I was able to test on how Evernote deals with file imports myself.
What I was hoping to do was to have Evernote take the actual content that was in a word doc and import into a new note. Ideally, the text and images that were in the doc would in essence become a new note that I could work on and edit, etc. However, Evernote treated the word import the same way it would if you dragged it into a new note. It just created a new note with the document as an attachment rather than bringing in the content.
I don’t know why this isn’t simply listed on Evernote’s website or why someone couldn’t simply answer my question. But in any case, it doesn’t import the content and it doesn’t really help me with my specific goals.
So really, other than the fact that we know Evernote isn’t going to disappear overnight, or so we believe, I have no real major benefit moving back to the platform. The work on my end will be the same. So for now, my search for moving off of Apple notes continues. I’ve tried so many notes apps, why can’t Apple just make a windows app for those of us with hybrid devices? I find this terribly annoying.

Just a life long New Yorker sharing the journey through my lens. Please take note of a post’s date. The views I express here are subject to change and evolving as I grow and learn.
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