So two weeks ago I began getting up in the a.m and doing some cardio, then going back to the gym in the evening, teaching my classes and training again. This isn’t the first time I’ve pulled off training twice a day, and it won’t be my last!
However, for the time being I am dialing it back. My body and spirit are strong enough to do this, it’s not about that. It feels amazing to train first thing in the morning while still in a fasted state! Also, I found that being on those dreaded machines didn’t feel as terrible in the mornings. So why the hell am I stopping?
Well, the problem is sleep, or should I say lack thereof. See, my evening training hours are still the same as before, and I never get to bed before midnight. Getting up at 6am, training, carrying a full day of work, then training again in the evening was just taxing my body too much. I’m not talking conditioning, I’m talking just falling asleep all the time, and being miserable from a lack of sleep. So for now, until I can commit and execute going to sleep earlier, this isn’t gonna work.
This friday, I’ll be training in the morning, but this is because I have a commitment to attend in the evening. So I’ll do my best to get to bed earlier on Thursday, and get up early on Friday. In fact, if there is a day where I can get my butt to bed early, and the next day doesn’t end so late, I’ll pull off the two a day workouts. I want the results, but getting rest is important. Some would argue that’s its even more important than training. And I go hard, so one a day requires recovery time, twice a day even more so!
As such I made the executive decision to stop training twice a day, everyday, for now. Perhaps as the weather gets warmer, and we get closer the summer months, then I’ll dial it in a bit more to ensure a flat stomach for speedo weather!
How often do you train, and how important is recovery time to you?
Just a life long New Yorker sharing the journey through my lens. Please take note of a post’s date. The views I express here are subject to change and evolving as I grow and learn.
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