Winner takes earth!

We all know that New York City is the city that never sleeps. We also know that New Yorkers are generally tough people. A short trip to Times Square today presented me with a new friend named Carlos, a random woman putting her arm around me and taking a picture, and a guy asking me if I was selling knock off DVD’s! That’s NYC for you my friends, if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere! Nothing surprises a New Yorker right? So they say, however, when I encountered a message from another world, confusion and fear set in! Mind you, I’m a pretty hard dude! Bronx bred New Yorkers are seldom soft!

What is the meaning of these illegible characters? What is this warm, blinding, overpowering bright light coming from above? And what in blazes does #WINNERTAKESEARTH mean? These are just a few of the questions that I asked the NYPD police men and some local Times Square staff after encountering this image! No one could answer my queries! They were just as confused as I was by this massive display by an unknown force!

This makes me wonder about what is to come? Unfortunately, none of the tourists or locals could answer my questions about what these messages meant either! The symbol is terribly frightening; it’s comparable to the hazard sign you often see on things you need to keep away from! As such I wanted to run! But how can we New Yorkers avoid a sign that is so huge and overpowering?

#WINNERTAKESEARTH is a complete mystery! I just don’t know what to make of this!

If anyone out there has heard of #WINNERTAKESEARTH please inform the authorities because this appears to me as a threat from another world!

We demand answers! New Yorkers cannot live in fear and uncertainty like this!

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  1. For me that sign is a devilish sign. Telling people that devil is all out to win souls for hell through his children… But he will fail because Jesus Christ has defeated him(devil) and his demonic/evil children.

  2. this is not something serious it the illuminanti that sign i sjust one off their sign they are trying to make them selves popular whenever we see such things like this we should just ignore them thry are illuminaties and they have some mystical powers they are trying to sell more peoples sole to the devil they have suceede doing that with superstars now they want t do the same with us now they have moved to sports(football)dont mind them confess jesus as lord abd personal saviour and your soul will be saved

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