The White Tiger Film Review

This film had an interesting story. You have the story of a man who goes from extreme poverty to potentially going to college, to working in a sweet shop with his family, to aspiring to being a servant. This was his life goal, being a servant to someone. As he grew and learned, he started to refer to this mindset as the rooster coop.

I’ve spoken about this similar dilemma in relationship to growing up in the hood. How so many of us don’t see anything beyond the current life we had at the time. Its all we knew and the thought of something more was just inconceivable. In fact, anyone who tried to do better was held back or punished for it. It’s a crab like mentality, but I can see the correlation to the rooster coop as well.

So this guy fulfills his wish of becoming a servant to a rich man. He does it in an assertive way and then serves them faithfully. As time passes, he is abused often, and I won’t provide a spoiler, but some really grimy stuff happens to him. It’s pretty messed up.

In any case, there is a sort of bright light at the end of the tunnel. His horizons are expanded and things do get better. Sort of, for him, maybe not everybody else. It’s a pretty heavy story filled with plenty of sacrifice and you should definitely check it out. It is a good film.

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