You are probably wondering why I am sharing this post, and why now? Well there is a simple explanation for that, I simply hadn’t seen it. However I personally know King Sage, I have worked with him, and I have spoken to the man behind the name. During our conversations and the time we have shared I have grown to love and respect this man. #nohomo (LOL) If you only know Sage as a rapper, then you are barely scratching the surface, but even through his music you can get a glimpse into what this dude is about.
What follows is a video log by King Sage speaking about his views on terrorism, what makes a terrorist, and thoughts on how we can stop terrorism. I thought this post was a must share, especially coming from an American born and raised Muslim.
Sage has a song called “The American Dream” which begins with Bill O’reilly arguing with another man about Arab and Muslim racial profiling at airports and other places. “The American Dream” video is in production and should hopefully come out soon.
“You never wanna see me in a better light, you’d rather see me on the tv screaming suicide, yeah that’s what you would like”.
If you’d like to hear the song, download the “Total Recall” mix tape featuring DJ Khaled for free at King Sage’s website. It’s a really good mix tape, so good that it won 1st place at the 2012 Underground Music Awards, check out this article on “The Source” in regards to his big win.
Rather than explaining and breaking down the entire video I’ll let you watch it and draw your own conclusions.
King Sage is an underground rap artist that has lived in NYC his entire life. He also produces and engineers music. He has worked with DJ Khaled, won twice at the Underground Music Awards as in only moments away from taking over the airwaves. NYCTalking is glad to have had the honor of meeting and working with this spiritual, intelligent, super talented musical genius. You’ll see.
Just a life long New Yorker sharing the journey through my lens. Please take note of a post’s date. The views I express here are subject to change and evolving as I grow and learn.
I agree. Committing an act of murder is not faith driven. No god will accept the killing of people. Nor shall we call any terrorist group by a religions name, because the bottom line is that mostly all religions are based on love and kindness, thus violence/murder is grounded in evil and hatred, which by contrast contradicts religions principles.
Only in America is He able to make such a take that into a Muslim Country and see how it flys?
I believe you are right, in a country that is completely ruled by Muslims this could be a problem for my man. Perhaps in time those high ranking individuals will reach his level of understanding?