Blackfish review

Netflix is hosting a documentary that is causing trouble for a major corporation, Blackfish. The company in question here is Seaworld. Doing movie reviews is a bit of a challenge for me, because I want to tell you guys what it is about, but at the same time I want to allow you to enjoy the film without spoiling it.

Let’s say this, the documentary claims to expose less than savory practices when it comes to the animals by the company Seaworld. The film focuses on killer whales. They talk with former Seaworld trainers, and other folks that have been involved in the company to some degree over the past few decades. The film shows us that Seaworld is potentially involved with cover ups that directly resulted in at least one death and multiple injuries to trainers.

Throughout the film, we learn a lot about killer whales, their family structure, their emotional makeup, and what the reasons that they attacked their trainers may have been. We also learn of the difficulties these animals endure, the alleged abuse of the animals by Seaworld and finally how they may be covering up information that could have potentially saved the life of at least one trainer, and quite possibly more.

The film is very touching and really sheds light on a space that many of us are not familiar with. If you check it out, let us know your thoughts!


  1. I couldn’t watch it bro… It was heartbreaking and I wasn’t in the best place to experience the negativity taking place int he cruel treatment of these whales and how they’re ripped from their homes and families… I had to shut it off – no bueno! I hope something about the practice changes – but I’m not so sure it will. When money is involved nothing ever changes! Thanks for the review though!

    • Author Ivan Sanchez, my wife couldn’t watch it either. It’s not for everyone to see, but everyone should KNOW. Share and spread the word, some shit is wrong, and this is wrong. At least in our country we should be able to do things right. We can’t control the rest of the world, but at least here we can regulate.

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