Free Guy Movie Review

When I first saw the ads for Free Guy I didn’t particularly care for the film. They didn’t really tell us what it was about and the only thing that grab my attention about it was Ryan Reynolds. He’s been doing really well on films these days so it’s enough to warrant a second look. Once I saw the previews and learned what the story was about then I was definitely interested.

This film has humor, deception, cheesy love and all-around great entertainment value. Ryan Reynolds does a great job as his character, “Guy,” an AI who thinks he’s real. The supporting acting roles were also well casted and quite entertaining as well.

I guess in a nutshell without dropping any spoilers I can tell you that Ryan Reynolds is an AI which develops a real personality and basically is alive. He becomes self-aware and things just spiraled out of control from there. One of the players has an online character that meets and starts to fall in love with this AI character that she thinks has a human behind him.

Overall this film was very enjoyable and gave us a lot of laughter and feel good vibes. I don’t want to drop any spoilers so I will just say to sit and watch the film it’s really, really fun.

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